Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Grammer Problems

Commas are really not that hard to understand, but at the same time using them can be pretty confusing. The hardest part is figuring out when to use a comma and when to just end the sentence. It's easy to use commas when there is a conjunction or when there's multiples of something. The problem arises when a sentence seems to end seemingly too early. Should I have used a comma between the previous two sentence. I don't know, and that's the problem.

A great page for all around comma use is http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_comma.html.
That is actually a website that I reference for my grammar needs and wants. I believe it's a reliable website because it appears to be designed officially for college students.

1 comment:

Natasha Stone said...

Seeing as I, too, blogged on the frustrations of comma usage, I completely see where you are coming from with your comma woes. The link you included is very helpful. I have used it before when unsure about when and where a comma belongs, and I have referenced the site for numerous other grammar questions, as well. I think it is very peculiar that there are instances where commas are no-brainers - such as in lists - and instances where you really just have no idea. Funny, funny things... commas...